
29 Jun 2015


Here is a transportation fuel stuooiln that is tied to each person here, it's tied to your wastewater that ends up at your sewage treatment plant, the reason it must be treated is that it causes algae blooms if released, so if we instead of chemicals use algae to purify the water they are much better at cleaning the water so allow full recycling at a reasonable price.Ponds don't work for this, you have to grow 24 7 to keep up with volume, Phoenix, AZ, produces 10M-gallons/day that is 41.5M-pounds of algae food to extract by tomorrow and worth about $8.3M/day if you had to buy it at $400/ton, this produces about 3M-gallons/day of biodiesel or 7.5L/2gal per day per person, nearby SuperBowl Glendale produces the same amount. The USA burns up 474M-gallons/day of all types of transportation fuels with 300M-people that's 6L/1.58gal per day per person.This gives a local supply of transportation fuels from a renewable resource we create daily and recycles the water, the fuel consuming CO2 and emitting O2 to make it so near carbon-neutral when burned, this is what can significantly reduce CO2 emissions globally.




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